We arrived Monday night absolutely pooped! We left our temporary accommodation in Bondi at 6am on Monday morning to catch our flight at 9.30am. All was going well. A visit to the first class Qantas lounge on arrival (I'm sure the other guests appreciated Mr can'tstoptalkingabouttrains and Mr cuteasabuttonbutIliketogrizzle) was followed by some quick duty free shopping and then onto the plane, where we waited for 2 hours for some part of the right hand engine to be fixed. Ugh!
Boys were angels on the plane, except for Aiden wanting to talk to me every 15 minutes right at the moment I was dropping off for an afternoon nap. Arran and Charlie both had a lovely afternoon nap. Typical. I was thinking that Aiden would be sitting next to Arran on the flight back, but then realised we weren't coming back, well at least in the short term.
Over a hour in a mini van to the apartments we are staying in and we were here!
Highlights of the week!
- Getting a car, that Arran and I were both too chicken to drive, until I had to drive to go to work on Thursday. Thank goodness Singaporeans drive on the same side of the road as Australians and thank goodness a GPS was included with the car!
- Finding a place to live. We spent many hours getting in and out of an air conditioned car on Wednesday looking at apartments. We were hot and bothered and fed up at the end of that day. We went for a swim and had pizza by the pool. But we found an apartment close to Aiden's school with a pool that is clean and modern and hopefully big enough for all our stuff. It costs a lot.
- Charlie having a poo explosion on Wednesday morning. Yep. That was a 2 person clean up job. It was on the toys, the carpet....
- Took Arran and the boys to Jumbo for their famous chilli crab. Was awesome. Boys ate fried rice and sweet buns.
- Spent 2 days in office and actually feel like I have caught up a little bit
- Aiden and Charlie got to go on the MRT (Massive Rail Transit). A TRAIN!!!
- Sunday night we cooked a meal. So good.
- Charlie got sick. Croup. I got sick with something similar.
- Arran bought "old chinese man thong/slide things". Yep.
- Love all the tropical plants and trees.
- We have already seen some amazing paintings that we probably won't have the room to hang.
- Asian women seem to like skirts on their swimsuits. A bit like tennis skirts. Modesty wins over fashion.
- I have already seen a better range of swimwear here than in Australia. Sweet!
- Supermarkets are small.
- Driving and parking is pretty easy
- Singaporeans like to give lots of advice to new people in Singapore.
SomeMost not that helpful - A form is always required, often accompanied by a cheque. Who uses cheques anymore?
- Traffic back from work (on the very west side of the island) is awful
- Food is expensive. Apart for the $3.50 duck and noodles I had at a food court on Friday with my new work colleagues. Even supermarket food is expensive.
- Wine is even more expensive.
- The shops don't open until 10. With Singapore 2 hours behind Sydney we have been waking up early with not much to do.
- I like getting outside into the heat.
- I'm tired and need a holiday.
- Can't wait to get our of the serviced accommodation we are in, and in to our place with our own things.